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  • Kashi Pancha Karma Hospital was established during March 2003 by Dr. Vijay Singh Rana. After obtaining degree in Ayurveda and special training in Pancha Karma therapy, he took decision to establish a centre to make people free from diseases caused by toxin created in the body due to unwhole some intakes and imbalance bodily Activities of Sense organs.

    Business Type: Manufacturer ,Service Provider
    Product & Location: Varanasi , India
    Main Products :

    About Hospital
    Introduction-Kashi Pancha Karma Hospital was established during March 2003 by Dr. Vijay Singh Rana. After obtaining degree in Ayurveda and special training in Pancha Karma therapy, he took decision to establish a centre to make people free from diseases caused by toxin created in the body due to unwhole some intakes and imbalance bodily Activities of Sense organs.

    Disease free conditions of individual.

    Revival of Swadeshi Medical System infused with human values with easy accessible for individuals.

    Atend following object as :
    To make people free from effect of Toxins accumulated in human body due to different polluted in takes.
    To take care / cure of diseases like-wast pain, spondilysis, Arthrities, Joints Pain, Cerebral Palcy (CP), Multiple Selerosis (MS) depression, paralysis, Hypertension, obesity, Psoriasis sciatica, sinusitis, Asthma Diabities etc. Created due to unwholesome intakes & imbalance bodily actions.
    To cure / care the Chronic diseases of Ano-rectal domain like Piles, Fissure & Fistula-through kshar sutra surgery.
    To cure / care sexual problem like oligospermia. Loss of libido, premature ijeculation, loss of strength and stemina through vajeekarana therapy.
    To Strengthen / Rejuvinate the natural immune system of the human body. Through Rasayan Therapy.
    To ensure the availability of pure & fresh Auyrvedic medicines.
    Benefits of Panchakarma
    Cleaning of the Mind
    Strength of the Sense Organs
    Stability of the Tissue
    Keenness of the digestive power
    Store ageing
    Due to purification of the body the capacity of the Agni is increase, the vitiated and aggravated Dashes is removed, all the sense organs start working with vigour, after certain time the strength is increased, the old age is prevented and the disease are cured.

    Our Therapy
    Shirodhara-by kasaya/Takra/Oil
    Akshi Tarapana
    Pinda sweedan
    Powder massage/Shali shasthik/Patra Potlali
    Baluka Sweedon..........etc.
    Our centre are provide complete Ayuredic medicine Panch Karma therapy: and kshara sutra. 
    Our staff is weltrained and deediant.
    Gas: flatulance, Acidity, Body Pain, Jaundic Hepatities/etc.
    Joints pain, inflanation/swelling etc.
    Arthrities (Osteo orthritis/RA), osteo porosis/Gout.
    Spondylosis- Cevical/limber Dis-cprolapse, Nerve root comperesion etc.
    Paralysis, seribral ataxia, Alzymer, loss of memory etc.
    Insomnea, Depression Anxiety etc.
    Pseudomuscular, Siystrophy
    Hyperlipidimia (Cholesterimia)/Hypertension/Athero selerosis/Cardities/(high blood pressure)
    High Blood suger(Diabeties) and its Complecations.
    Cerbral Palcy and other pediatric problem (Jaundia, Fever, impair growth etc.)
    Psoriasis, Eczyma:Vitiligo(white spot) etc.
    Sexual problem-lrectile Disfunction, loss of libido, sperm related problemetc etc.
    Piles/Fistula/fisure and other ano rectal problem.
    Cancer/Kidney related problem
    Swelling in prostate.
    Our Team
    Dr. Vijay Singh Rana-(B.A.M.S, P.G.D.P.)
    Dr. Brijesh Kumar(B.A.M.S.)
    Dr. Jainmini Pandey(B.A.M.S.M.D.)
    Dr. V.D. Sharma(AMMS)
    Dr. S.K. Singh(Naturopath & Yoga)
    Dr. Vijay Mishra(Yoga Trainer)

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